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Crystals of Hope - Crystal Jewellery




In this short video Naila introduces Crystals of Hope®


What is it?

At Crystals of Hope® our aim is to offer you crystal jewellery that enhances your sense of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Our crystal range is made from high quality semi-precious gemstones that we endeavour as far as is possible to source from ethical suppliers around the world.

How do we design our Crystals of Hope jewellery?

We spend a lot of time researching the crystal’s mental, physical, emotional and spiritual effects on our overall well-being and test them with a team of willing volunteers. Only if and when they have experienced positive results do we add them to our range.

What is our USP?

Our most powerful USP is that we have a special technique by which we can permanently add the crystal energy of a very large number of different crystals to one bracelet. Crystal Alchemy if you like. For example, you may see only one or two different types of crystal in a particular bracelet, but it can include the energy of many others to significantly enhance the bracelet’s ability to help you.


For example, currently the Stress Buster bracelet has the energy of over 10 crystals, all designed to bring calm and peace in times of turmoil. Of course, over time, the number of crystals added may increase as we discover new crystals that can add to the bracelet's Stress Busting effect, as we continuously seek to improve each bracelet's ability to help. So in this case less really IS more. As a result, not only does our jewellery look good, it also does good.

Who is it for?

Our Crystal of Hope® jewellery range offers a little extra help to those who need support to enhance their well being, increase their ability to manage their energy or who are facing specific issues, such as stress, a racing mind, being overly sensitive etc.



The use of crystals should not replace medical treatment/advice. Always consult a doctor for medical concerns and conditions.



Buy Your Crystals Of Hope Jewellery:


Our Crystal of Hope® jewellery range includes the following bracelets - just click on the orange Etsy link to purchase or read more:



Negative Vibe Buster


Do other people sometimes get to you?


Can help at home in the case of difficult in-laws; at work in the face of professional jealousy or over-bearing bosses; at school in the face of bullying; and also help people who feel negative vibes are being sent their way.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Do you pick up lots of other people's stuff?


Can stop 'sensitives' and empaths from absorbing other people's emotions and dramas; strengthen energetic boundaries; helpful for carers, therapists, councillors, teachers, nurses and healers.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Do you feel ungrounded, 'airy-fairy' or not in your body?


Can help you strengthen your grounding, feel stronger within, feel more focused and better able to concentrate, increase your energy levels and boost your energetic protection.



Negative Vibe Buster



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Racing Mind Buster


Do you have a monkey mind or struggle to 'switch off' at times?


Can help if we have a tendency to over think, over analyse and helps us get out of a 'what if' frame of mind.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Stress Buster


Does the pressure sometimes get to you?


Can help with releasing existing stress and prevent further stress from building up; reduces feelings of being on edge; eases the pressure of deadlines and 'to do lists'.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Aura Heal and Seal


Do other people sometimes nab your energy?


By closing and sealing the Aura or personal energy field it can help prevent other people - so called psychic vampires - from draining your energy; cuts negative cords or attachments; and balances your chakras.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Do you need a little bit of an energetic pick me up?


By bringing in the vibrant colour energies of red, orange and yellow, this bracelet can help alleviate fatigue and re-charge the body and mind.



Negative Vibe Buster



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Fear Buster


Do fearful thoughts block you from achieving your goals or feeling protected?


Fear can drop our vibration and protection; his bracelet can help reverse this; take the edge off any persistent fears; prevents you from attracting fearful experiences into your life.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Frozen Emotion Buster


Do you need to release buried emotions that still pop up now and then?


Gently heals stuck or frozen emotions to support us to strengthen our emotional intelligence and clearly articulate our emotions without feeling overwhelmed.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Ghost Buster


Do you sometime pick up a few energetic hitchhikers?


Can help if you have a tendency to pick up external energies and attachments; keeps your energy field clear; automatically clears earth bound spirits and takes them to wherever appropriate in Spirit


Negative Vibe Buster



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Connection Enhancer


Do you find it difficult to connect when you feel tired or stressed out?


Can strengthen our existing connection with Spirit; enable us to more clearly sense the presence of our Spirit helpers; support us in calling in help to aid us in our energy management activities or spiritual work.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Self-sabotage Buster


Do you find the greatest obstacle in the way is YOU?


Can help clear a critical voice, negative or discordant thoughts or belief patterns or any thought-based blocks preventing us from becoming the person we would like to become



Negative Vibe Buster



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Do you need a little help to stand up for yourself and speak your truth to over-bearing personalities?


Can support us to honestly share our authentic emotions; better articulate out needs with strength, courage and assertiveness; whilst remaining centred in our heart.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Trauma Buster


Are you really ready to release deep trauma from the past?


Offers us the chance to heal and really let go of traumatic experiences - but be prepared, can bring up uncomfortable emotions as it does the healing and release work.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Heart Chakra Bracelet


Would you like to heal your heart chakra?


Can help us release the effect of heart-ache, grief or hurt; enabling us to reconnect with our empathy, compassion and sensitivity; supporting us to explore relationships based on equality, partnership and harmony.


Negative Vibe Buster



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Please note that such crystal combinations can help to bring comfort, improve quality of life and well being but are a complement, not an alternative, to conventional medical care. The use of crystals should not replace medical treatment/advice. Always consult a doctor for medical concerns and conditions.


Our full range of bracelets are available on Etsy

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